3855 South St Titusvlle Fl, 32780

Residential Oviedo

Residential paint service in Oviedo Florida.
Oviedo, Florida
Project Type:
Residential Paint - Outdoor
4 Days
Listing ID
PROP-9113 VD
The Project:

Residential exterior paint service for an officer in Oviedo Florida. The complete outside of this home was redone with Sherwin Williams paint in a grey tone with white trim.

The garage door was done with an offset blue tone to compliment the rest of the exterior appearance, truly making the colors stand out. Making a bold statement in the neighborhood.

With Stevens & Strain Painting being owned and operated by Firefighters, it was an honor to be provided the opportunity to work with another civil servant in assisting with making their home look fresh and new.


Type: Residential

Area: 1.856 sqft

Bedrooms: 3

Bathrooms: 2

HOA: Yes

Roofling: Asphalt

Swimming Pool: Outside

Contact us today for a free quote.